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Monday, April 23, 2012

KONY 2012 Cover The Night

Cover the night, hmm... more like 420 eh? Activism? More like 'lacktivism' or even vandalism. Cover the night was NOT successful. Having posters in the most awkward places, as well as 'Graffitiing' words such as KONY and COVER THE NIGHT is not really going to grab someone's attention. Besides, 100 million people have watched the video, and 200+ countries are involved. How much more ATTENTION do you need? Besides, the kits were all sold out within 2 minutes of the KONY 2012 video being released. Great cause and stuff but I mean how do you keep peeps interested in your "awareness" events if you have nothing but online print-outs. People were more concerned about their teens staying away from 420, than the KONY cause. Walking in the streets with a bunch of druggies, putting up posters, doesn't seem ideal. Bad timing, few volunteers, and dying out organization. So much for activism.

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